Viking Line reduces emissions by 30 per cent over 15 years

The operator has invested in emission reduction technology for both its new and older vessels

Viking Line reduces emissions by 30 per cent over 15 years

Viking Line

New LNG-powered ship Viking Glory entered service in March 2022

By Alex Smith |

Viking Line has reduced carbon dioxide emissions from its vessels by 30 per cent per nautical mile since 2008, the ferry operator has announced.

The company reported that its €450 million ($447 million) investment in two of its newest vessels – Viking Grace and Viking Glory – have had the most significant impact in reducing its emissions. Viking Grace entered service in 2013 and is powered by LNG fuel, reducing emissions of nitrogen and particulate matter by 85 per cent and greenhouse gas emissions by 15 per cent compared to a vessel running on oil fuel. Viking Glory, which entered service in March 2022, produces 10 per cent fewer emissions than Viking Grace.

Viking Line is aiming to meet the goal of the International Maritime Organization to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from marine transport by 40 per cent from 2008 levels by 2030.

“We have mainly achieved emission reductions through innovative technological solutions that are not very visible to passengers,” said Dani Lindberg, sustainability manager at Viking Line. “The technology is developing at a rapid pace, and many of these innovations originated in Finland. We also want to be a pioneer in developing and implementing new, environmentally friendly innovations. For example, Grace and Glory are already equipped to start using biogas or synthetic fuels produced from renewable energy when they become available in the future. That is the next big step towards carbon-neutral maritime traffic.”

The company is now launching a sustainability theme on its vessels, terminals and across its communication channels throughout the autumn, with the aim of involving passengers in its sustainability efforts. It will also donate €30,000 from the sale of plastic carrier bags in its tax-free shops to the John Nurminen Foundation, which aims to protect the Baltic Sea region.

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