Solarglide gains type approval for adhesive solar films

UK firm’s products reduce solar glare and heat by up to 15C and can be used for multiple applications
Solarglide gains type approval for adhesive solar films


Solarglide’s adhesive solar film reduces glare while still ensuring passengers and crew have unobstructed views from onboard the ship

By Rebecca Gibson |

UK-based manufacturer Solarglide has become the first in the maritime industry to achieve type approval from Lloyd’s Register (LR) for adhesive solar films that can be used on non-navigational windows on passenger ships.

The new range of adhesive solar films are designed to reduce solar glare and heat by up to 15C, helping to regulate the temperature onboard the vessel. This ensures crew and passenger comfort while enabling the shipowner to reduce the energy consumption and costs related to using air conditioning and heating systems.

The films, which are available in three colours, are designed for use in restaurants, public spaces, corridors, viewing areas and cabins.

“Our solar films are a cost-effective alternative to standard blinds and curtains, particularly if shipowners want to cover a large area of glass or multiple windows,” said Paul Pringle, managing director of Solarglide. “Not only do they protect people’s eyes and skin from the harmful effects of direct sunlight without obstructing the view from the ship, but they are also easy to clean and maintain, making them an ideal long-term investment.

“Our long-term goal is to gain type approval for all Solarglide products and today we took one step further to achieving that target. The latest LR type approval for adhesive solar film is a giant milestone for Solarglide and sits nicely alongside our existing LR type approval for bridge solar screens.”

To learn more about Solarglide’s adhesive solar films, read our interview with Paul Pringle in the Spring/Summer 2022 issue of Cruise & Ferry Review.

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