Sustainable Maritime Interiors - 2022 Report

87 Reducing these impacts, however, requires cooperation amongst a wide range of stakeholders, along with the political will to radically change how things are done. “Since a circular approach contrasts sharply with most of today’s linear industrial operations, this transformation will require significant changes in government policies, corporate behaviour and consumption patterns.”1 Some of the major changes that are needed include the development of policies for green public procurement, product standards for durable design and measures against planned obsolescence, along with meaningful support for businesses engaged in making items reusable, and transparent information on product reparability.2 In the circular economy, the recovery of materials is strictly monitored to ensure that technical and biological recovery cycles are managed safely and that reused materials are appropriately disposed of at the end of their useful lives. In addition, bio-based resources must be sustainably sourced. Circular economy butterfly diagram Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation 1 Source: World Benchmarking Alliance, Measuring What Matters Most 2 Source: Green Alliance, The Commission’s Final Report