Sustainable Maritime Interiors - 2022 Report

151 Chemical content of materials should be considered at the planning stages of construction or refurbishment, to ensure that all components meet the requirements for maximum level of any chemical of concern, according to regulations such as the EU RoHS Directive or (in the US) statespecific controls. The list of risk factors is wide and far-reaching, from carcinogens to substances that could cause neurological defects. Fire retardants Until recently, most foam products used for upholstered furniture, mattresses and other soft furnishings were required by law to be treated with fire retardants. As evidence has grown of the harms caused by the toxic chemicals these substances contain, some countries have taken action to ban the most dangerous retardants. However, they are still in widespread use in many products. Glass Glass is a fully recyclable material and is very resource-efficient as it is mostly composed of the readily available raw materials of sand and glass waste (cullets). It has insulating properties and can be used as glass fibre to reduce weight (and therefore fuel consumption) in ship construction. Because cullets melt at a lower temperature than raw materials, glass recycling is extremely energyefficient. Processing also does not produce much solid waste. Sustainable product specification To drive more intentional product specification, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) has developed an Architecture & Design Materials Pledge that commits businesses to five overarching statements: 1. Support human health by preferring products that support and foster life throughout their life cycles and seek to eliminate the use of hazardous substances 2. Support social health & equity by preferring products from manufacturers that secure human rights in their own operations and in their supply chains, positively impacting their workers and the communities where they operate 3. S upport ecosystem health by preferring products that support and regenerate the natural air, water, and biological cycles of life through thoughtful supply chain management and restorative company practices 4. S upport climate health by preferring products that reduce carbon emissions and ultimately sequester more carbon than emitted 5. Support a circular economy by reusing and improving buildings and by designing for resiliency, adaptability, disassembly, and reuse, aspiring to a zero-waste goal for global construction activities. Source: American Institute of Architects, Materials Pledge