Cruise & Ferry Interiors 2023

43 SMI Declaration was conceived while conducting the research for the Sustainable Maritime Interiors report, published by Cruise & Ferry in June 2022, which was issued at the 2017 Montreal World Design Summit, and Our Common Future, which was published in 1987 by the United Nations. The SMI Declaration aims to make a meaningful contribution to sustainability performance improvement throughout the ship interior life cycle via informed stakeholder guidance and in full support of the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact. The environmental sustainability focus of the declaration is necessarily considerate of other sustainability objectives and is intended to work in unison with corporate commitments to the social and economic sustainability pillars. The initiative has already garnered widespread interest, including from the UN Global Compact, a voluntary United Nations initiative that seeks to encourage organisations worldwide to adopt, and report on, sustainable and socially responsible policies. “The SMI Declaration is a really powerful industry self-starting initiative that could lead to significant sustainability gains for the maritime industries. We applaud the ambitions of the declaration, and we are happy to contribute to accelerating its uptake and advancing the programme of activities that may follow,” says Erik Giercksky, business action programme for ocean at the UN Global Compact. Rebecca Alcolea Krauss, UN Global Compact’s ocean project manager, adds: “UN Global Compact has a significant focus on ocean programmes and the ambition of the SMI Declaration is entirely complimentary to these activities. It is incumbent upon us to both start and support a range of initiatives and we have an obligation to make sure they are rigorously tested so that we can be confident that we can achieve a positive impact and outcome. We are working through this process with the SMI Declaration and hope that the maritime interiors community embraces its commitments with enthusiasm and effective endeavour.” Industry bodies are also supporting the declaration. Shashi Caan, CEO of the International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers, says: “IFI applauds and staunchly supports the Sustainable Maritime Interiors