Cruise & Ferry Review - Spring/Summer 2022

1 3 7 Hybrid networks, like those delivered by Speedcast, switch between land-based and satellite signals to improve guests’ connection while onboard solution, preparing the ship for its next voyage more quickly.” Speedcast’s approach to delivering this win-win-win scenario is based on the firm’s Unified Global Platform (UGP), which is essentially a network of networks. “It identifies the best available technology given the operational conditions, applications and available bandwidth and leverages the most appropriate path to provide optimal service,” says Horwitz. “We also work with industry suppliers that are focused on providing next-generation antennas and other onboard equipment that can manage the variation in networks seamlessly and keep up with the everincreasing demand for connectivity.” Despite this successful approach to cruising connectivity, Speedcast is constantly striving to be better. “We are working towards getting as close to a land-like connectivity experience possible with each improvement we implement,” explains Horwitz. “We are continuously testing and assessing all the latest technologies that come to market. Our customers trust us to bring together the best of what is being developed into a comprehensive solution that delivers more for them and their end users as their needs grow.” For Horwitz, new innovations could be key to delivering this. “All eyes are on the launch of lower-Earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellations, which will be another tool for delivering a great communications and internet service at sea over the next few years,” he says. “LEO will offer the fastest speeds and lowest latency for a satellite solution. Combined with the ability to automatically switch between land and satellite networks, the holistic communications that will be available onboard aims to be virtually indistinguishable from the user’s experience at home.” CFR